Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Brother Threatens Four Girls He Blames For Bullying His 14-year-old Sister To Commit Suicide.

Jordan Clements, 20, a brother to 14-year-old Nyah, was arraigned before a court for threatening 4 schoolgirls he blames for bullying his sister to commit suicide after sending them violent threats on Facebook and Snapchat.

Nyah was found dead at home after claims she was being bullied. Nyah's mum Dominique Williams discovered that her daughter was being bullied after her death.

"I'm aware messages were being sent on social media. Since then a few people have come forward to say she had been targeted at school. Her phone has been seized by police who are investigating. Whoever is at the end of it need to realise what they've done - we need justice."

Although the coroner is investigating, Jordan might have his on agenda as he told one of the girls he believed bullied his sister to her death, that she would be 'strung up with the dead cows in the butchers' and another; 'I know what you did. You are going to regret this for the rest of your life.' He also told one of them; 'Go and play with broken glass in your mouth.'

 Jordan's messages left his victims - who cannot be named for legal reasons - feeling frightened and anxious. Arrsigned before a court, He admitted two counts of harassment and two counts of sending communications of an indecent or offensive nature. He told police he sent the messages 'when angry and upset' because he wanted to make the girls feel the way his sister had felt when she was being bullied.

Prosecutor Sharon Anderson however says that the girls told police they had done nothing wrong. 
The case has been adjourned until certain reports are ready and Jordan was bailed on the condition he does not use social media or contact the girls.


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