Monday, October 17, 2016

Fountain that springs forth wine instead of water.

Caldari di Ortana, a town in Abruzzo, Italy, has opened a new fountain that gushes
free wine all day, everyday.
The fountain was installed by the Dora Sarchese vineyard and was named,"Fontana del vino" which means "fountain of wine" in English.

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The vineyard owners explained that they wanted to provide a service that had not been heard of in the history of Italy. The fountain is located along a popular trail, "Cammino di san Tommaso", that Catholics ply every year while on pilgrimage to the city's cathedral, to see the remains of Thomas, one of the disciples of Jesus. Dora Sarchese also said that the fountain was not meant for drunkards, and that they would not be tolerated.


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